
Showing posts from August, 2021

Pathology Results

Angie found out the results of the pathology report at her appointment and it was good news! There was no cancer found in the lymph nodes and no other surprises in the tumor removal--clean margins! While there is no such thing as 'cancer free' this feels like great news to celebrate!  She was able to get her drains removed and the bandages removed because her healing is going so well. She is still a bit uncomfortable trying to sleep through the night but she's getting rest and taking it one day at a time. After a few weeks of healing, we assume she will meet with the radiation oncologist again to determine what radiation treatment will look like in light of the latest developments post-surgery.  Thank you again for the prayers and support! We are so thankful! 

Post-Surgery Visit

Angie visited the surgeon today and everything is healing well so far! We are all thankful for good reports post-surgery. She was experiencing a little discomfort/tightness with the bandaging and he was able to adjust that today in the office. She is still very limited in movements as she heals. She has 2 drains and will continue to have these tubes/drains for the next week or more. She is looking forward to being untethered soon.  The surgeon reported encouraging remarks about her tumor removal and how clear it was to know exactly what to do during the procedure to get clear removal (thank you, God!). He said she looks awesome. We are still waiting on pathology report findings. Angie is already transitioned to over-the-counter pain meds since she dislikes the heavy hitters. The doctor and nurse both commented on how incredibly tough and strong she is--but we already knew that!  Angie's sweet spirit but fierce battle stance has been remarkable to witness. She is an incredible ...

Surgery Completed

Angie has just finished surgery (approximately 1pm). Everything went well and she can go home tonight to recover. She will need to take antibiotics and lots of rest to recover. We hope to hear pathology reports from the cancer tumor and lymph node removal next week. Please pray for her discomfort and healing going forward. Pray for no infections or complications. This has been exhausting few weeks. We are hoping for some good rest and peace ahead. Thank you all for all the love, prayers, encouragement, and support. We are truly grateful for each one of you.  All the love, Julie

Surgery change

From Angie: Just got a call from the surgeon yesterday.  He and the plastic surgery and radiologist reviewed my case again that morning and feel that a mastectomy is needed because of the tumors recent growth and the direction it has headed.  I will still be having surgery on Wednesday but now it will be a mastectomy.

Surgery Scheduled

It has been a wild ride in the adventures the past 2 weeks. Angie has met with her oncologist, breast surgeon, radiation oncologist, plastic surgeon, and then breast surgeon again! Whew! And there was an MRI in there as well. Today- 8/12 we finally received news she will be scheduled on Wednesday for removal of the tumor. The MRI is showing some growth and we are looking forward to it being out of her body. Please pray for the procedure to go smoothly as 2 surgeons will be working together. She will have 3-4 weeks of healing and recovery before starting radiation. Thank you for your prayers and support, you each mean so much to us!  It has been discouraging to not hear brighter news, but we still feel God's peace in this battle and trust we are not alone.  From Angie: Finally heard back about surgery date, next Wednesday the 18th.  I have to be at the hospital at 7:30 and surgery will be at 9:30/10:30.  It will be a little more involved than a simple lumpectomy becau...

Surgeon Update

From Angie: Met with surgeon and I have an MRI scheduled for Wednesday as well as a consult with the radiologist regarding option for radiation after surgery.  The results of the MRI will be reported to the surgeon and I will see him soon to go over results and schedule a surgery date.