Radiation Finished

From Angie:

Finished radiation today with 28 treatments.  Doctor said last week I could stop early if I wanted.  My skin was very irritated and painful with little relief using the creams.  It will take a week for my skin to improve and 2 weeks to feel total relief.  I’m looking forward to a short break before starting the chemo pill in December.  Thank you for your continued prayers, some days the road seems long.  I’m trying to take it a day at a time.


  1. Angie, I remember listening to Ann Graham Lotz speaking about the Christian walk. Her words: "Life is so DAILY". It is in the day by day times when we stumble. Remembering the end goal gets lost many times in the here and now. Each day is one day closer to that goal.
    Thinking of you and trust you will see God's hand in your struggle.
    Blessings to you and Jim


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