It started early on a Sunday morning (March 7th). Angie noticed a lump. It was probably nothing...but still. Monday she called to see the doctor. This lead to a biopsy and mammogram. On March 29th, she was told it was breast cancer. A small miracle happen--she was seen by a great breast surgeon 3 hours later to get moving on next steps. We were told it was aggressive--on a scale 1-3-it's a 3. The size was moderately small less than 2cm. But still-- it was cancer. April 1st she would have an MRI and additional testing done. She met next with the oncologist (April 8th) who explained it's "Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC)." Chemotherapy --the harshest kind, surgery, radiation would need to happen. That day was a hard day to hear all of this. Apparently, breast cancer will typically test positive for estrogen, progesterone, or HER2 receptors but with TNBC those are all locked so it limits treatment options. After her oncologist presenting Angie's case to the tu...