
One of the many lessons this adventure is teaching us is-- flexibility. Often times we like to know 'the plan' but when the plan needs to keep changing the ability to trust God and take the next step applies. There has been a lot of challenges this week with lots of appointments and rescheduling but we have a new outline.

When Angie received her cancer diagnosis, she was also told there was a thickening in her uterine wall. Since the breast cancer took priority --the uterus was put on a brief hold. The hope was it would self-correct after stopping hormone replacement medicines. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. On Monday, Angie had another pelvic ultrasound which showed the same results. Therefore after consulting with her team--she will have a change in schedule for chemo treatment.

Now it looks like she will be having a surgical procedure to get a biopsy of the uterus followed by a DNC. Back in March the doctor tried to get a biopsy in the office but it was unsuccessful and this is the next option. This procedure will use aesthesia and it's schedule for Tuesday (April 27th) afternoon. 

She will now have her port surgery scheduled for Monday, May 3rd early morning. Then chemo will be on track to begin on May 4th and continuing on Tuesdays (every 2 weeks). Another breast ultrasound was done for a baseline for beginning chemo and the tumor is growing now 2.7cm.

The Positives:

-There have been some days/weeks doctors have been out-of-town but we've been able to work with the team to get her scheduled for these important tests and procedures.

-While this is a mild setback--she's been enjoying the pre-chemo days 

-God has been answering all the small prayers this week 

Prayer Requests:

-The pelvic biopsy would return with good results and no more issues

-Good results from all pending tests, including echocardiogram 

-Peace leading up to the road of treatment ahead

-All the surgical procedures coming would go smoothly

-Strength, endurance, and flexibility to take it day by day

Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and encouragement. We all appreciate her amazing team! 

Love In Christ-



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